These are my friends whom some of them I met through the internet and the others are my personal friends that access the internet.  Don't  hate me for the rest of your life and murder me if I miss you out!  Please tell me so that I can do something about it.
Please bear in mind that it  took me lots of dedication, efforts and hours of hard work  to put up the colours for the individual names and nicknames.  This is to show how much you as my friends meant to me, don't disappoint me ok!
Note: For those whom I mentioned here, could you provide me with your info like homepage URL or e-mails and also your permission to put them in this site.  Presently you can only find some of their homepage URL below as it is either they don't have a homepage or I do not know their URL.  And also the names are not arranged in order of preferences so don't fight over who is placed on top of the list!
< [Benjamin] | "vuitton" >
< [Madeline] | "Bellebebe" >
< [Angela] | "Crispi" >
< [Sueting] | "Anna-Qi" >
 < [Derek] | "Priton" >
< [Frankie] | "eiknarf" >
< [Andy] | "Andy^" > 
< [Adrian] | "Furyone" > 
 < [Jieying] |"myzra" >
 < [Gisella] | "BBG" >
< [Andrew] | "^andrew" >
  < [Emily] | "dknyx" >
< [Eugene] | "Berada" >
< [Judy] | "Sukie" >
< [Young] | "Prada" >
< [Patrick] | "^Patrick" >
< [Jason] | "Deafmetal" >
 < [Deon] | "jasmine1" >
< [Cindy] | "cin_ling" >
< [Jonathan] | "Tristar" >
< [Jun Chee] | "frenzie" >
< [Desmond] | "Des26" >
< [Cindy] | "Cheer2" >
< [Jodi] | "lilin" >
< [Shiyun] | "karinn" >
< [Cystein] | "Venetia" >
< [Audrey] | "bbstar" >
 < [Carine] | "estelle" >
< [Joanne] | "Geristela" >
< [Linda] | "Ling" >
< [Jannica] |"nik" >
< [Tami] | "aBc" >
< [Yuying] | "Lemon23" >
 < [Esther] | "Krayongal" >
< [Brenda] | "weiwei" >
< Tammie | "Fend|" >
< [Marine] | "XiaoWanZi" >
< [Sha] | "luffy" >
< [Weimei] | "elaine" >
< [Jiawei] | "boy_77" >
< [Jelicia] | "Babycute" >
< [Joey] | "Xiaomei" >
< [Sabrina] | "Smuckers" >
< [Serene] | "Nikita" >
< [Weeyen] | "phycho 07" >
< [Jeannie] | "Dolphin" >
< [Jess] | "Vange|z" >
< [Haslinda] | "has" >
Name Nickname Homepage URL
Tammie "Fend|" http://www.geocities.com/MotorCity/Speedway/5613/fendi.html
Jelicia "Babycute" http://members.xoom.com/jelicia2/
Matthew "toystore" http://members.delphi.com/toystore
Weeyan "phycho07" http://members.tripod.com/~Venom96/index.html
Derek "Priton" http://members.xoom.com/alienspecies/homepage.htm
Young "Prada" http://web.singnet.com.sg/~ynr55
Angela "Crispi" http://members.wbs.net/homepages/9/7/p/97phantom.html